Eric Swanson Outdoors Guide Service ★★★★★

Eric Swanson Outdoors Guide Service ★★★★★

I had the chance to fish with  Eric Swanson Outdoors recently for spring chinook in the Willamette River.  I have fished with several guides over the years, and while I truly enjoyed each trip, I can say without question, I enjoyed fishing with Eric the most.  There were three other clients on the trip, I had never met Eric or any of the others before. 

Eric made sure everyone was comfortable and engaged everyone in casual conversation, talking about fishing and other topics.  I had a fish on, but lost it close to the boat, that's fishing!  I had a wonderful day, I am sure we all did, and Eric was very informative about the fishing and the techniques we were using.  He also had top notch tackle, rods, reels, etc. and quality bait.  If you are looking for a guide, Eric is very courteous, knowledgeable and informative.  I am certain you will have a great time.  He also guides for other species such as walleye and sturgeon.

Tricam MT-2 Outdoor Fish and Game Cleaning Table ★★★★☆

Tricam MT-2 Outdoor Fish and Game Cleaning Table ★★★★☆

Bubba Blade ★★★★★

Bubba Blade ★★★★★