Rapala Mag Spring Pliers ★★★★★

Rapala Mag Spring Pliers ★★★★★

Pliers, a necessity for every fisherman.  I fish in the saltwater a lot, and am very used to pliers rusting after little use, sometimes to the point you cannot open them.  Granted, I do not maintain them very well, rinse after use, but do not use WD-40 etc.  Usually buy entry level pliers and just replace them when necessary.

I purchased the Rapala Mag Spring Pliers online, they were on sale, and keep them in my boat.  After several years of saltwater fishing, and heavy use, they still have no rust and work just fine.  The magnets may have fallen out or weakened, but I would expect that to happen after several years.

For the thirty dollars or so these pliers cost, they are well worth the investment.  They are very well designed and comfortable to use.  With no maintenance they continue to function without any issues for me, and I guarantee they have been exposed to saltwater for extended periods.

These pliers are great, I just discovered one of my fishing pliers in my boat is shut permanently, check on the Rapala pliers, they work great, and I am getting ready to order another pair.  This made me want to do a review so others can benefit.

You can find them on Amazon

Steve's Fishing reel repair and maintenance, Bay City, OR ★★★★★

Justa crack'll do.....best spice it up condiment ★★★★★

Justa crack'll do.....best spice it up condiment ★★★★★