TIDE REPORTS - Oregon &  Washington You can use these links to see the daily tide predictions for various locations along the Oregon & Washington Coasts.

NOAA - ZONE FORECAST - Type in a port, for example, Garibaldi, OR then move the cursor over the area of ocean you want to boat on, it will give you a zone forecast.

BAR REPORTS - The latest bar reports. If I plan on fishing in a few days, I will watch the weather forecasts, and follow the bar conditions for a couple of day prior to going, this provides a good indication of what you can expect

IFISH.NET - DATASITES - Comprehensive list of resource links

USGS Turbidity Conditions - click on link and scroll down the page to find the Turbidity.

Additional Resources : 

ifish.net - Community Posting/discussion board

Oregon Fishing Forum Community Posting/discussion board

The Guides Forecast - free  There is a subscription option for more forecast detail, I highly recommend the subscription. 

Windy.com Pinpoint forecast for any area, wind, waves, etc.


Always check the "regulation updates" for the zone you intend to fish, before going. The regulations can change quickly with little notice.

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife     

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife




Recommended Guide Services:

Pro Fish Guide - Ted Teufel