News: Oregon Health Authority expands advisory for fish caught in Willamette River



The Oregon Health Authority is expanding the advisory for fish caught in the Willamette River.

The agency first issued an advisory in 2004 for fish in the Portland Harbor area of the lower Willamette.

That advisory has now been expanded, it was announced Wednesday, to include the area from the Sellwood Bridge up to the Sauvie Island Bridge and the Multnomah Channel.

OHA officials say fish caught in those areas of the Willamette River could contain dangerous chemicals known as PCBs.

PCBs are known to be most potentially dangerous to pregnant women.

“PCBs can also cause health defects in other adults. It can cause immune system problems, thyroid problems and there’s some evidence it can increase risk of getting diabetes, type-2 diabetes and even some heart problems,” said David Farrer, Oregon Health Authority public health toxicologist.

Fish affected by the advisory include bass, carp and brown bullhead, along with crayfish, clams and mussels.

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